Assessment & Reporting
Students are assessed in a variety of ways on how they demonstrate their achievement against the Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS) in all of the subjects they undertake.
Parents and guardians with VCE students can refer to the official study designs of the relevant subject or the VCE Handbook.
Interim Student Progress Reports are issued at the end of Terms One and Three for students in Years 7-10. VCE students receive an ‘audit’ of their progress one third and then two thirds through each semester. Comprehensive student reports are issued at the end of each semester (end of Terms Two and Four) online through COMPASS. These can be printed at the school by students or on request.
At the end of Terms 1 and 3 at official Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews are held for all students in Years 7-12. All students and parents are encouraged to attend. There is an online interview booking system for parents’ convenience through the COMPASS portal. The link is available on the school website and is advertised in the school newsletter.
Students in Years 7-10 set specific learning goals at the beginning of each semester and are required to evaluate how effectively they have achieved their goals at the end of the semester. The purpose of this is to help them to take ownership of their learning. These goals and the evaluation of them appear on the end of semester reports.
Parents are welcome to contact their child’s subject teacher, Year Level Coordinator or the Principal at other times if they have concerns.

Important Dates
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