Middle Years 7-9
Our learning programme for students in Year 7-10 is based on the Victorian Essential Learning Standards published by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. Courses are structured mainly according to the traditional disciplines, although students in Year 9 have the opportunity to develop their interdisciplinary skills, such as team work, communication, thinking skills and interpersonal skills through Futuremakers. The broader physical, personal and social development of students has also become important for all teachers in whatever area of learning they have expertise. Our teaching and programs pay attention to inclusiveness and recognise the fact that students have different ways of learning.
Year 7
Students study a core of traditional disciplines covering the eight learning areas: Mathematics, English, Technology, Arts, Languages Other Than English (LOTE - Indonesian), Humanities, Science and Personal Development (Health and Physical Education). Where possible we block Mathematics and English classes together in the timetable so that students can move between classes, and teachers can arrange groups more flexibly to suit different learning needs and activities. Technology and Arts are run across both Years 7 and 8 with students rotating through semester length units in the various areas of the disciplines (woodwork, metalwork, textiles, visual communication, food technology, drama, ceramics and art).
Year 8
In Year 8, students continue to study a core of traditional disciplines covering the eight learning areas. Technology and Arts rotations continue by semester.
Year 9
Year 9 students study the core of traditional disciplines covering eight learning domains.

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